25 June, 2012

Corruption in Immigration

OTTAWA - A corrupt former Citizenship and Immigration Canada manager was convicted Friday of taking cash and benefits in exchange for fast-tracking immigration files for a conspirator's clients.
Judge Catherine Aitken said the evidence against Diane Serre, 41, was "absolutely overwhelming," noting even her lawyer had "virtually nothing" to say in closing arguments after a six-week trial.
"I am persuaded beyond a reasonable doubt that Diane Serre acted with the intention to use her public office for a purpose other than the public good, namely for a purpose that was dishonest, partial and corrupt," Aitken wrote.
Read more here:

21 May, 2012

Lucky Ducky

Lucky Ducky by EvenCool
Lucky Ducky, a photo by EvenCool on Flickr.

Go for a walk anywhere in Toronto to enjoy the beautiful parks, streets, trails forests. There are High Park, Edward's Garden, Harbourfront, and so many natural trails, and river sides to be discovered.
The photo ofthis amazing duck was taken at High Park on the pond. There are swans as well to be admired.
Enjoy this excellent weather!